Our lovely daughter had a wedding to plan! Our son was doing well in his recovery and fast approaching his one year post transplant anniversary date! Much work to do on the house to prepare it for winter and well you know, all the continual upkeep that just comes with a 20 year old property. All this had derailed any serious training but not the planning to actually go to Portugal and attempt this walk! We have our mileage points together and every time I check, there seems to be seats available to Lisbon. It's 5 days until we 'plan' to leave. Is this possible? Better get off this blog and go peruse my backpack. Hmmmm........
Everyone walks in Mexico.
Will these feet once again carry us 500 miles?
Our lovely state park!
A few camping trips and hikes sprinkled into our summer.
One major backpack for John.
Looking forward to 'walking' along with you!!!