Saturday, September 3, 2016

Just Walk

Today we got out of bed around 11am. Starting to get acclimated to our European time zone.  As soon as we left the apartment,  there was a familiar face. Paulo! John had replied to an email asking how we were doing,  telling him that everything was cool with the apartment except that the noise from some construction next door is a little annoying.  This just because well, "He asked! "  In true form we really do try to take everything in stride.  Anyway,  Paulo came bearing gifts.  A bottle of Porca de Murca, a Duro Tinto that he says is #39 in the world according to Wine Spectator!  Wish we could bring it home and share it with you!
 Hugs all around.  The Portuguese people we have met so far are truly amazing.   We made our way to Aloma, who people say have the best Pastel de nata, which is a custard tart.  I wouldn't know but it was certainly delicious!  Washed down with café con leche hits the spot.

More refreshments. 
 Lunch of gourmet pizza in another Mercado. Like our amazing food trucks at home,  Lisbon ' s foodie scene includes amazing markets that are like food courts but with world class chef's cooking all kinds of delicious types of cuisines. You choose what you would like and have a seat in the center of the market. So much to choose from!
Finally found the Iglesia de Santiago,  actually stumbled upon it wandering around the castle.  The way begins here.

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