Sunday, September 11, 2016

Onward To Villafranca 20k

                        John's burning sausage 😊
 The market at Villafranca.  Traditional Portuguese tiles.
Lunch break 
Not sure what the homeless situation in Portugal is or if there is any but spying some graffiti on a train station that had the word "vagabundo" explained a lot to me about what perhaps they may think of pilgrims.  This route so far doesn't seem to be as supported a pilgrimage as the Frances route even though it is the original one, and we get some quite interesting stares from the locals.

So far most of our walking is on the road, hard asphalt,  little to no shoulder and apparently no speed limit.   Part of our energy is spent dodging traffic and trying to figure out which side of the road to switch to on blind curves.  Now I am beginning to understand why people walk from Porto.

Today we did about 20k to Villafranca and stayed in a private room in the Hostel DP. We tried to get a hotel but the only two in town were booked.  This place was adequate.  We enjoyed a dinner of tapas, which included a sausage that was lit on fire at the table and some excellent caprese bruchetta, a typical Sagres beer for John and a cider for me. I ordered a beer  but apparently the cute waitress thought I would like the cider better.  Go with the flow.  During dinner we got a text from Sebastian saying that he would be back in Villafranca that night since he couldn't find alburgue accommodation in Azambuja,  which is all he can afford. So he took the train back. He wanted to know if we were up for anything.  Two bottles of wine and cheese later, it was past midnight.  How did it get so late?

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